
Elektro Schneeschieber Schneeschild Schneefuchs Schneeräumer Schneefräse 2017

Elektro Schneeschieber Schneeschild Schneefuchs Schneeräumer Schneefräse 2017

Elektro Schneeschieber Schneeschild Schneefuchs Schneeräumer Schneefräse 2017
Bitte wählen Sie. POWERPAC Elektro-Schneeräumer mit enormer Schubkraft. Elektro-Schneeräumer / Schneeschieber Typ ES230 mit Edelstahlschild 74cm mit Gummischürfleiste schwenkbar. ELEKTRO AKKU Schneeräumer SCHNEEFUCHS SCHNEESCHIEBER mit irrer Schubkraft – YouTube. Video will open in a new window. ELEKTRO KEHRBESEN AKKU Schneeräumer SCHNEEFUCHS SCHNEESCHIEBER mit irrer Schubkraft – YouTube. Zustand: NEU, wird im Karton geliefert Auf Wunsch kann das Gerät auch für 35,- Aufpreis von uns montiert werden. Die Schönheit des Winters sollte man genießen können! Verbringen Sie Ihre Zeit nicht mit mühseligem und lästigem Schneeschieben. Bringen Sie Spaß in Ihren “Winteralltag” und entdecken Sie wie leicht und mit wieviel Freude Sie den Schnee beseitigen können. Durch unsere neuartigen ELEKTRO-Schneeräumer wird das Schneeschieben zum Wintervergnügen. Material: Edelstahlschild Arbeitsbreite: 740 x 460mm Gewicht: 28kg Der neu entwickelte ELEKTRO-Schneeschieber von PowerPac ermöglicht Bürgersteige und sonstige verschneite Flächen rückenschonend zu räumen. Eine solide pulverbeschichtete Stahlkonstruktion und ein Räumschild aus gesicktem Edelstahl sorgen für eine lange Haltbarkeit. Eine verstellbare Schildposition runden dieses innovative Schneeräumgerät ab. Die Gewährleistungsfrist für Handel, landwirtschaftliche Unternehmen, sowie sonstige gewerbliche Unternehmen beträgt ein Jahr und ist Grundlage jeweiliger Bestellung. Natürlicher Verschleiß oder Verbrauch bei Gebrauchsgütern oder Verschleißteilen ist ausgenommen. Käufer trägt die Versandkosten in Höhe von: 40,- Euro innerhalb von Deutschland Versandkosten für Ausland bitte anfragen! Wir bitte Sie jedoch bevor Sie diesen Weg einschlagen, mit uns vorher Kontakt auf zunehmen: PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH Niederhöchstädterstr. Maßgeblich ist jeweils die zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses gültige Fassung. PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH bestimmt dabei einen Startpreis und eine Frist (Angebotsdauer), binnen derer das Angebot per Gebot angenommen werden kann. B Der Käufer nimmt das Angebot durch Abgabe eines Gebots über die Bieten-Funktion an. Das Gebot erlischt, wenn ein anderer Bieter während der Angebotsdauer ein höheres Gebot abgibt. C Der Vertrag zwischen PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH und dem Käufer kommt zustande, wenn der Käufer bei Ablauf der Auktion oder bei vorzeitiger Beendigung des Angebots durch PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH der Höchstbietende ist, es sei denn, PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH war gesetzlich dazu berechtigt, das Angebot zurückzunehmen und die vorliegenden Gebote zu streichen. PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH bestimmt dabei einen Festpreis, zu dem das Angebot unabhängig vom Ablauf der Angebotszeit und ohne Durchführung einer Auktion zu diesem Festpreis angenommen werden kann. B Der Vertrag zwischen PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH und dem Käufer kommt zustande, wenn der Käufer über die Bieten-Funktion ein Gebot in Höhe des Festpreises abgibt. § 3 Zahlung, Fälligkeit, Zahlungsverzug (1) Die Bezahlung der Waren erfolgt gemäß den Zahlungsbestimmungen von PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH. (2) Der Kaufpreis ist nach Vertragsschluss sofort zu zahlen. (3) Befindet sich der Käufer im Zahlungsverzug, hat er währenddessen jede Fahrlässigkeit zu vertreten. Er haftet wegen der Leistung auch für Zufall, es sei denn, dass der Schaden auch bei rechtzeitiger Leistung eingetreten sein würde. (4) Der Kaufpreis ist während des Verzugs zu verzinsen. Der Verzugszinssatz beträgt für das Jahr fünf Prozentpunkte über dem Basiszinssatz. (5) Die Geltendmachung eines weiteren Schadens ist nicht ausgeschlossen. (2) Die Gefahr des zufälligen Untergangs und der zufälligen Verschlechterung des Kaufgegenstands geht mit Übergabe des Kaufgegenstands auf den Käufer über. § 5 Eigentumsvorbehalt Der Kaufgegenstand bleibt bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung Eigentum von PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH. Vor Eigentumsübertragung ist eine Verpfändung, Sicherungsübereignung, Verarbeitung oder Umgestaltung ohne ausdrückliche Einwilligung von PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH nicht zulässig. § 6 Preise Der im jeweiligen Angebot angegebene Preis für den Kaufgegenstand versteht sich als Endpreis einschließlich eventuell anfallender Mehrwertsteuer und weiterer Preisbestandteile. Der Preis umfasst nicht die Liefer- und Versandkosten. § 7 Rücktritt (1) PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH ist berechtigt, vom Vertrag auch hinsichtlich eines noch offenen Teils der Lieferung oder Leistung zurückzutreten, wenn falsche Angaben über die Kreditwürdigkeit des Käufers gemacht worden oder objektive Gründe hinsichtlich der Zahlungsunfähigkeit des Käufers entstanden sind, bspw. Die Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens über das Vermögen des Käufers oder die Abweisung eines solchen Verfahrens mangels kostendeckenden Vermögens. Dem Käufer wird vor Rücktritt die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, eine Vorauszahlung zu leisten oder eine taugliche Sicherheit zu erbringen. (2) Unbeschadet etwaiger Schadenersatzansprüche sind im Falle des Teilrücktritts bereits erbrachte Teilleistungen vertragsgemäß abzurechnen und zu bezahlen. § 8 Gewährleistung (1) PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH trägt Gewähr dafür, dass der Kaufgegenstand bei Übergabe mangelfrei ist. Zeigt sich innerhalb von sechs Monaten seit Übergabe des Kaufgegenstands ein Sachmangel, so wird vermutet, dass dieser bereits bei Übergabe mangelhaft war, es sei denn, diese Vermutung ist mit der Art des Kaufgegenstands oder des Mangels unvereinbar. Zeigt sich der Sachmangel erst nach Ablauf von sechs Monaten, muss der Käufer beweisen, dass der Sachmangel bereits bei Übergabe des Kaufgegenstands vorlag. (2) Ist der Kaufgegenstand bei Übergabe mangelhaft, hat der Käufer die Wahl, ob die Nacherfüllung durch Nachbesserung oder Ersatzlieferung erfolgen soll. PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH ist berechtigt, die Art der gewählten Nacherfüllung zu verweigern, wenn sie nur mit unverhältnismäßigen Kosten möglich ist und die andere Art der Nacherfüllung ohne erhebliche Nachteile für den Käufer bleibt. (3) Schlägt die Nacherfüllung fehl, kann der Käufer grundsätzlich nach seiner Wahl Herabsetzung des Kaufpreises (Minderung) oder Rückgängigmachung des Vertrags (Rücktritt) sowie Schadensersatz verlangen. Bei nur geringfügigen Mängeln steht dem Käufer kein Rücktrittsrecht zu. (4) Liefert PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH zum Zwecke der Nacherfüllung einen mangelfreien Kaufgegenstand, kann PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH vom Käufer Rückgewähr des mangelhaften Kaufgegenstands verlangen. (5) Ansprüche des Käufers wegen Mängeln verjähren in zwei Jahren. (6) Schäden, die durch unsachgemäße oder vertragswidrige Maßnahmen des Käufers bei Aufstellung, Anschluss, Bedienung oder Lagerung hervorgerufen werden, begründen keinen Anspruch gegen PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH. § 9 Haftungsbeschränkung (1) Für andere als durch Verletzung von Leben, Körper und Gesundheit entstehende Schäden haftet PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH nur, soweit diese Schäden auf vorsätzlichem oder grob fahrlässigem Handeln oder auf schuldhafter Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht durch PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH oder deren Erfüllungsgehilfen beruhen. Vertragswesentlich ist eine Pflicht, deren Erfüllung die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Vertrages überhaupt erst ermöglicht und auf deren Einhaltung der Käufer regelmäßig vertrauen darf. Eine darüber hinausgehende Haftung auf Schadensersatz ist ausgeschlossen. Ansprüche aus einer von PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH gegebenen Garantie für die Beschaffenheit des Kaufgegenstands und dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleiben hiervon unberührt. (2) Nach dem jetzigen Stand der Technik kann die Datenkommunikation über das Internet nicht fehlerfrei und/oder jederzeit verfügbar gewährleistet werden. § 10 Rechtswahl Alle Streitigkeiten aus diesem Rechtsverhältnis unterliegen dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bei Verbrauchern gilt diese Rechtswahl nur insoweit, als nicht der gewährte Schutz durch zwingende Bestimmungen des Rechts des Staates, in dem der Verbraucher seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt hat, entzogen wird. Die Geltung von UN-Kaufrecht ist ausgeschlossen. Ende der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Des weiteren gelten die Hinweise der PowerPac Baumaschinen GmbH. , denen Sie mit einem Gebot AUSDRÜCKLICH zustimmen. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere weiteren Angebote. The item “ELEKTRO SCHNEESCHIEBER SCHNEESCHILD SCHNEEFUCHS SCHNEERÄUMER SCHNEEFRÄSE 2017″ is in sale since Tuesday, October 18, 2011. This item is in the category “Garten & Terrasse\Gartengeräte\Motor-Gartengeräte\Schneefräsen”. The seller is “powerpac_baumaschinen_gmbh” and is located in Kronberg. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Marke: PowerPac
  • Produktart: Akku-Schneeschieber
  • Herstellernummer: ES230

Elektro Schneeschieber Schneeschild Schneefuchs Schneeräumer Schneefräse 2017

HD Cub Cadet 3X Snow Blower Thrower 30 Gas Powered Electric Start Power Steer

HD Cub Cadet 3X Snow Blower Thrower 30 Gas Powered Electric Start Power Steer

HD Cub Cadet 3X Snow Blower Thrower 30 Gas Powered Electric Start Power Steer
HD Cub Cadet 3X Snow Blower Thrower 30 Gas Powered Electric Start Power Steer. Fix my Toys SKU. Cub Cadet 3X three-strage power is ready to bust throught the wall of winter. With a petented three-stage system, the 3X clears deep snowfall up to 50% faster than a Cub Cadet 2X two-stage snow thrower. That means you can easily and quickly remove 18 inches of snow at a comfortable pace. It’s the kind of strength that has you thrilled to take on winter’s worst. And for the toughest winter challenges, the new Cub Cadet 3X Pro offers unrivaled snow throwing power. 30″ Clearing Width, Clear up to 18″ deep of snow. 12 Heavy Duty Serrated Steel Auger, Remote Controlled Steel Chute (controller in-dash), 200 degrees of rotation. Self Propelled Drive System. 420c Cub Cadet OHV 4 Cycle Engine. Heated Hand Grips, Headlight, Trigger Control Steering, Push Button Electric Start. The item “HD Cub Cadet 3X Snow Blower Thrower 30 Gas Powered Electric Start Power Steer” is in sale since Saturday, September 16, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “fix_my_toys” and is located in New Baltimore, Michigan. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Cub Cadet
  • MPN: 3X30HDPY
  • Color: Yellow
  • Part Type: Snowblower
  • Genuine OEM: Yes

HD Cub Cadet 3X Snow Blower Thrower 30 Gas Powered Electric Start Power Steer

In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower

In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower

In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower
BRAND NEW In CRATE 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ /YT660 Snowblower Rare opportunity! This machine will outperform by far many Honda’s and other snowblower brands like: Ariens, Craftsman, CubCadet, Husqvarna, Poulan Pro, PowerSmart, Remington, Simplicity, Snapper, Sno-Tek, Stanley, Toro, Troy Bilt, Yard Machines, Etc… Available on US market!!! Conquer Snow with Yamaha The value packed YT624EJ dual stage snowblower is compact and easy to use. Electric starting, track drive, electronic chute controls and adjustable auger height, are just a few of the premium features found on the YT624. Ease your snow clearing chores with a reliable YT624EJ snowblower from Yamaha. Features & Benefits: /// 4-STROKE ENGINE Powered by a proven, reliable and fuel efficient 171cc, air-cooled, OHV, 2-valve, 4-stroke, 6 hp Yamaha MZ175 engine. Electronic ignition means sure fast starts and never needs maintenance. Quiet design muffler will keep the neighbors happy. /// CONVENIENT ELECTRIC STARTING Convenient key operated electric start backed up by a manual recoil starter with an automatic decompression device to reduce pull effort. /// POWERFUL DUAL-STAGE AUGER Dual-stage 615 mm (24″) auger utilizes a heavy duty serrated steel “blade to chew through hard packed snow and ice without breaking a sweat. The clearing height is 440 mm (17) The high speed impeller located in the resin lined chute fires snow up to 15 meters 49 ft. The YT624EJ can move up to 35 tons of snow per hour. /// HYDRAULIC ASSIST AUGER HOUSING TILT SYSTEM Hydraulic assist adjustable auger housing means you can adjust the auger housing height. You can add “additional” bite into the snow or set it to just skim the pavement or raise it in the event of loose gravel or an uneven interlock driveway. /// ADJUSTABLE “SKIDS” AND SERRATED SNOW SCRAPER The adjustable (and replaceable) “skids” allow you to pre-set the auger height to avoid damage to the auger and its housing. The serrated snow scraper helps break up ice and hard packed snow as it enters the auger system. /// HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION The durable, single lever operated, hydrostatic transmission (HST) provides precise speed control and smooth shifting. This variable speed transmission allows the unit to move forward at speeds up to 3.2 km/hr. And up to 2.45 km/hr. Easy access remote HST fluid reservoir makes checking and topping up the fluid level quick and easy. /// TRACK DRIVE Rubberized track drive system plows through snow conditions that stop other blowers cold. Track drive provides superior traction on steep driveways or laneways and also makes it possible to climb stairs. The tracks are 130 mm (5.1) wide. Wheeled blowers don’t even compare. /// ELECTRIC RESIN LINED CHUTE The resin lined chute is electronically controlled by an easy to use joystick and has a turning radius of up to 220°, so you can direct the snow just about anywhere. The resin lining helps to reduce snow sticking and build up. /// ADJUSTABLE CHUTE DEFLECTOR TIP The resin lined chute features an adjustable, lever operated discharge tip that allows you to control how far the snow is thrown. /// SHEAR BOLTS Special shear bolts are designed to help prevent damage to the auger and housing in the event it comes in contact with a solid object. The replaceable shear bolts are designed to break / shear off if the auger comes in contact with a solid object, saving the auger and transmission from expensive damage. /// EASY TO USE CONTROLS The centrally located control levers are grouped together for easy access. /// ADDITIONAL STANDARD FEATURES Clean-out tool to remove accumulated snow and 23 watt, 6-LED work light for those early morning jobs. /// Capacity Clearing Width: 615mm (24 in) Clearing Height: 440mm (17 in) Blowing Capacity: 35 tons/hr Maximum Blowing Distance: 15 m (49 ft) /// Drive System Drive: Dual 130mm (5.1) rubber tracks Transmission: Hydrostatic Ground Speed (km/h) Forward: 0 3.2 Reverse: 0 2.4 /// Auger System Type: Dual stage Diameter: 310mm (12.2in) Drive: Belt Auger Housing Height Adjustment: Gas assist /// Chute Control Rotation: Electric Chute deflector (discharge tip) Manual, two-step (remote lever) Turning Radius: 220º Chute Material: Steel with resin liner /// Engine Model: MZ175 Type: 4-stroke air-cooled, OHV, 2-valve, single cylinder Displacement: 171cc Maximum Horsepower: 6.0 hp Starting System: Electric with manual recoil (with auto decompressor) Ignition: Electronic T. Recommended Fuel: Regular 87 octane unleaded gasoline Recommended Engine Oil: Yamalube 5W30 /// General Fuel Tank Capacity (L) 4.5 litres Engine Oil Capacity: 0.6 litres /// Dimensions Wet Weight: 114kg (251lb) L x W x H mm (in) 1468 x 621 x 1108mm (57.8 x 24.4 x 43.6 in) If you have any questions please feel free to message me!! The item “In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower” is in sale since Wednesday, January 04, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “maptower” and is located in Staten Island, New York. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Type: Track Snowblower
  • Brand: Yamaha
  • MPN: YT660
  • Power Source: Gas
  • Clearing Width: 24″
  • Model: YT624EJ
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan

In US. Brand New Crated 2016 Yamaha YT624EJ/YT660, 24 Track Gas Snowblower

Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start

Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start
Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start
Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start
Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start
Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start

Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start
Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower w/ 12-Volt Electric Start. Powerful Honda GX390 Engine. Commercial grade engine churns through winter’s worst. Easy starting even in the coldest of weather. Automotive-Style DC Electric Key Start. No plugging in to start, turn a key and you are ready to go. Comes standard with recoil start for backup purposes. Perfect for complete control on inclines and icy conditions. Variable speed control allows the user to pick the right speed for them. Variable Auger Height Control. Easily adjust the auger height with just a press of a thumb. Variable positions allow user to pick best height needed for condition. Pneumatic gas strut provides smooth and accurate auger housing adjustment. Electric Joystick Chute Control. All new 4-direction chute control allows for on the go chute adjustments. Left and right control levers provide easy and intuitive steering control. Great for transporting unit as well with engine off. Detects high torque levels and immediately shuts off the auger and the engine. 12-Volt Key Start /w Recoil. Auger Housing / Chute Control. Power Equipment Direct was founded on the premise of simplified shopping. Customers could sort through all of the leading power equipment products online from the comfort of their homes – no traffic jams, no crowds, no scratched tailgates. Founder Jon Hoch, launched his first web store from his basement in 2003. Several years and a couple of web stores later, Power Equipment Direct is one of the leading online power equipment e-tailers with millions of dollars in annual sales. The company owns more than a dozen power equipment-related web addresses and plans to open more specialty superstores in the very near future. Exceptions include some handheld lawn tools. Boxes or APO/FPO addresses at this time. Each item which this applies to, will contain information in the respective listing description information. Thank you for your time and understanding regarding this topic. In some rare instances, you may need some help with a return. Simply contact our Customer Service team in order to discuss return options for unopened merchandise. Simply contact our Customer Service team in order to discuss return options for opened merchandise. If the product has been gassed or oiled, it needs to be taken to an authorized service center. Concealed damage claims must be reported immediately. On occasion, the outer carton may look damaged, but the product inside the box is perfectly fine. Do not sign for damaged products. If you think your product is defective, don’t worry. They have expert technicians standing by to help solve your issue. Please have your model number and serial number available for fastest service. And we will respond within 24-48 hours. Customer Service hours of operation are 7am – 7pm CST, Monday – Friday. View more great items. This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. The item “Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start” is in sale since Monday, August 14, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “powerequipmentdirect” and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Honda
  • MPN: HSS1332ATD
  • Model: HSS1332ATD
  • Battery Voltage: 12 Volts
  • Engine Brand: Honda GX390
  • Engine Type: 4-Cycle OHV
  • CC: 389 CCs
  • Starting System: 12-Volt Key Start /w Recoil
  • Fuel Tank: 1.5 Gallons
  • Profile: Steel 3-Blade
  • Auger Material: Serrated Steel
  • Chute Rotation: Electric
  • Turning Radius: 198 degrees
  • Max Throwing Distance: 56 Feet
  • Clearing Width: 32 Inches
  • Intake Height: 21 Inches
  • Drive: Hydrostatic
  • Steering: Handle-Mounted Triggers
  • Reverse Speeds: Variable
  • Forward Speeds: Variable
  • Tire Size: Tracks
  • Remote Deflector Controls: Yes

Honda (32) 389cc Two-Stage Track Drive Snow Blower with 12-Volt Electric Start

Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed

Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed

Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed
Introducing the newest force of nature in the legendary iON series: iON8024-CT, the revolutionary next-generation 24-inch self-propelled dual-stage cordless snow blower from SNOW JOE®. ION8024-CT’s groundbreaking, rechargeable 80-Volt power plant and powerful 2500 W brushless motor has what it takes to weather winter’s worst. ION8024-CT starts instantly with a simple push of the illuminated display, to put the legendary power of iON at your fingertips for unparalleled snow-shredding performance, courtesy of its cutting-edge 4-speed digital drive system (3-speed & XPORT). And iON’s integrated illuminated battery indicators mean you’ll never be left in the dark when it comes to having the information you need close at hand. Equipped with a 2-stage heavy-duty serrated steel auger and powerful impeller, iON8024-CT plows through up to 1000 pounds of snow per minute, clearing a path 24-inches wide by 13-inches deep in a single pass. Ergonomic trigger grips provide optimum comfort and reduce stress from squeezing, and the integrated scraper bar at the base of the unit lets you clear right to the ground without damaging your deck or pavement. Other exclusive iON8024-CT features include a 180° thumb-switch auto-rotate chute to direct the snow stream up to 32 feet away, dual integrated 3 W LED headlamps to light the way for safe nighttime clearing, and wide, knobby rubber TracAssist tires for maximum traction in the most challenging winter weather conditions. Core Tool version does NOT include batteries or charger. Core Tool Only (Battery and Charger not included). Revolutionary battery-powered, self-propelled two-stage snow blower. Integrated, illuminated push-button display: LEDs indicate direction, speed selection, battery power levels. Cutting-edge 4-speed digital drive system (3-speed XPORT for rapid return at the end of a snow-clearing run). Serrated steel auger moves up to 1000 lbs of snow per minute; cuts a path 24 in. Deep without damaging surface. Thumb-control 180° auto-rotate adjustable chute throws snow up to 32 ft. One-handed lock-and-adjust chute deflector to put the powder precisely where you want it. Ergonomic trigger grips provide optimum comfort and reduce stress from squeezing for comfortable clearing. Dual 3 W LED headlamps light the way for safe nighttime snow removal. Powerful 2500 W brushless motor increases battery efficiency, maximizes motor performance, decreases noise and vibration and extends motor life. TracAssist snow tires for maximum traction in winter-weather conditions. Load sensing technology to optimize engine performance. The item “Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed” is in sale since Wednesday, December 27, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “snowjoedirect” and is located in Carlstadt, New Jersey. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Snow Joe
  • MPN: ION8024-CT

Snow Joe ION8024-CT Cordless Two Stage Snow Blower 24-Inch 80 Volt 4-Speed

Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower

Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower
Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower
Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower

Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower
Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower. Powerful 187cc GC190 Honda Engine. Plenty of power to get through tough snows. Easy to start even in cold weather. Auger assist drive helps move snow blower by auger making contact with ground. Gentle upward pressure on the handle starts forward motion. High Capacity Snow Removal. Up to 55-tons per hour. Same snow clearing power as a snow blower twice its size. Heavy Duty Metal Auger Housing. Rugged construction features bearing supported auger. Provides dependable performance through demanding conditions. Conveniently located for easy access. Oversized for easy use with gloves. Offers similar performance as larger units, but easier to handle. Large Wheels For Easy Transport. Makes getting to and from job much easier. Auger Housing / Chute Control. Power Equipment Direct was founded on the premise of simplified shopping. Customers could sort through all of the leading power equipment products online from the comfort of their homes – no traffic jams, no crowds, no scratched tailgates. Founder Jon Hoch, launched his first web store from his basement in 2003. Several years and a couple of web stores later, Power Equipment Direct is one of the leading online power equipment e-tailers with millions of dollars in annual sales. The company owns more than a dozen power equipment-related web addresses and plans to open more specialty superstores in the very near future. Exceptions include some handheld lawn tools. Boxes or APO/FPO addresses at this time. Each item which this applies to, will contain information in the respective listing description information. Thank you for your time and understanding regarding this topic. In some rare instances, you may need some help with a return. Simply contact our Customer Service team in order to discuss return options for unopened merchandise. Simply contact our Customer Service team in order to discuss return options for opened merchandise. If the product has been gassed or oiled, it needs to be taken to an authorized service center. Concealed damage claims must be reported immediately. On occasion, the outer carton may look damaged, but the product inside the box is perfectly fine. Do not sign for damaged products. If you think your product is defective, don’t worry. They have expert technicians standing by to help solve your issue. Please have your model number and serial number available for fastest service. And we will respond within 24-48 hours. Customer Service hours of operation are 7am – 7pm CST, Monday – Friday. View more great items. This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. The item “Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower” is in sale since Thursday, August 04, 2016. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “powerequipmentdirect” and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Honda
  • MPN: HS720AMA
  • Model: HS720AMA
  • Engine Brand: Honda GC190
  • Engine Type: 4-Cycle OHC
  • CC: 187 CCs
  • Starting System: Recoil
  • Fuel Tank: 0.29 Gallons
  • Auger Material: Rubber
  • Chute Rotation: Manual
  • Turning Radius: 220 degrees
  • Max Throwing Distance: 33 Feet
  • Clearing Width: 20 Inches
  • Intake Height: 12 Inches
  • Drive: Push
  • Tire Type: Plastic Wheel
  • Remote Deflector Controls: No
  • Drift Cutters: Not Applicable
  • Front Weights: Not Applicable
  • Interlocking Controls: No
  • Hand Warmers: No
  • Skid Shoes: Not Applicable

Honda (20) 187cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower

Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower

Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower
Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower
Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower
Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower
Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower
Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower

Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower
Tools & Home Improvement. Patio, Lawn & Garden. Beauty & Personal Care. Pro Audio & Sound. Car Audio & Electronics. Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower. Light duty snow thrower makes quick work of frequent light to medium snow falls. Start up with the push of a button thanks to the electric start in temperatures down to -20 F. Powerful 208cc Briggs & Stratton 950 Snow Series engine handles the toughest of winter conditions. Features a friction disc drive transmission with 6 forward and 2 reverse speeds. Easy to use, manual chute rotation. Fire up the Briggs & Stratton 24-Inch Light Duty Dual-Stage Gas Snow Blower with the touch of a button and make quick work of those snow-covered driveways and sidewalks this winter. With a powerful 208cc Briggs & Stratton 950 Snow Series engine, this snow thrower is strong and tough enough to eat up frequent medium snow and ice and throw it up to 35 feet. This blower features a friction disc drive transmission with 6 forward and 2 reverse speeds, and can truck along at up to 6 miles per hour. It starts up in temperatures down to -20 F and features sturdy steel construction with a notched steel auger. With solid steel construction and a notched steel auger, the Briggs & Stratton 24-Inch Light Duty Dual-Stage Gas Snow Blower has the teeth and the muscle to stand up to and fight back against whatever winter throws at your home this season. Sturdy construction with a steel frame and notched steel auger for ice and snow. Clearing width: 24 inches. Throwing distance: 35 feet. Intake height: 20 inches. Auger diameter: 12 inches. Impeller diameter: 12 inches. Skid shoes: Steel reversible. Torque: 9.50 foot pounds. Fuel tank capacity: 3.2 quarts. Chute rotation: 200 degree left side crank. Drive type: Friction disc drive. Speed (forward): 6 mph. Speed (backward): 2 mph. Tire size: 13 inches. Dimensions: 26 x 38 x 53 inches. Briggs & Stratton is the world’s largest producer of gasoline engines for outdoor power equipment. Their products are designed, manufactured, marketed, and serviced in over 100 countries on all 7 continents. Cancelling Your Order: &###xA0;Your order is important to us and will be processed immediately. Select the reason for the return. View more great items. This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. The item “Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower” is in sale since Wednesday, November 08, 2017. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “vminnovations” and is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Type: Two Stage
  • Brand: Briggs & Stratton
  • MPN: 1696610
  • Power Source: Gas
  • Clearing Width: 24″
  • Model: 1696610
  • Bundle Listing: No
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
  • UPC: 047282078709

Briggs & Stratton 24 208cc 9.5 TP Light Duty Dual Stage Gas Powered Snow Blower

Huge Cub Cadet 4×4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great

Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great
Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great
Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great
Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great
Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great
Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great

Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great
This is an nice big used snow blower. Model 1028 that is 4×4. It has a 9.5 Tecumseh motor on it! It runs like a top and has electric start. Also has heated hand grips and electric chute control! The previous owner of this machine hit something with the impeller and broke the shaft, gears and impeller inside the chute. It has all been fixed with brand new OEM parts! It also had the carb. Just rebuilt and oil and spark plug changed. It is ready to go! These were very expensive new and you don’t see them that much. This one runs great but like a lot of the Cub cadets the yellow paint has flaked off some! The free listing tool. The item “Huge Cub Cadet 4×4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great” is in sale since Friday, February 27, 2015. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Outdoor Power Equipment\Snow Blowers”. The seller is “dfarmtoys” and is located in Newton, Iowa. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
  • Type: Two Stage
  • Brand: Cub Cadet
  • Power Source: Gas

Huge Cub Cadet 4x4 1028 2 stage snow blower, 9.5 HP, electric start, runs great